Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Graduation memories....

I met some beautiful friends along this journey and it is a part of my life that I will always cherish. These moments, all of them, are only experience each moment one present. We all had doors opened, closets cleaned out and windows smashed into a thousand pieces. It seems now that all the raw interior is's time to minimize the external, organize what is needed and move forward to the next spiritual hurdle. Our circle was so tight that to let go of the ring feels like I'm abandoning something....but, I feel it tightening. I feel the threads of friendship weaving together, the colors bleeding like that of the red towel in the white wash, forming an inseparable pink bond of trust. Goddess Energy is powerful. I feel it here in this group of yoginis. I send my love to each of you on your spiritual quest and know that I am your faithful devotee...

om shanti shanti shantihi

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